Trump Graciously Accepts NRA Endorsement, Hopes for ‘Landslide’ Vote

( – Just before former President Donald Trump took the stage May 18th at the National Rifle Association’s annual meeting in Dallas, Texas, the NRA announced it was formally endorsing Trump in the November presidential election.

Trump responded to the endorsement, calling it “The endorsement of the proud patriots of the NRA,” adding, “These are great people.”

During his speech, Trump said the United States needs to have “a Second Amendment that is meaningful,” or there would be “death and destruction” like has never been seen. He called on gun owners to “be rebellious” and vote for him in the November election, stating, “We want a landslide.”

Trump promised to overturn the gun regulations enacted by President Joe Biden’s executive orders, adding that gun rights are “definitely” on the ballot in November. Trump stated, if re-elected, he would “roll back every Biden attack on the Second Amendment,” which he said were “coming fast and furious.”

He also stated that, if re-elected, on day one, he would fire the director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), accusing the ATF of revoking gun licenses on frivolous grounds.

While he praised North Carolina gubernatorial candidate Republican North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson, he also criticized Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s campaign during his speech, noting, “We can’t waste any votes.” He added that Kennedy calls gun owners “a terrorist group,” adding, “can’t vote for him.”

He also used his speech at the annual meeting to discuss the topics of the economy, immigration, abortion, and foreign policy.

Trump’s campaign also launched the “Gun Owners for Trump” coalition before he spoke at the NRA’s annual meeting. The coalition, comprised of gun industry leaders and 50 Olympic athletes, is endorsing Trump in the presidential election.

This was the ninth time Trump has spoken at the NRA’s annual meeting and the third time the NRA has endorsed Trump, who allowed gun shops to stay open during the pandemic by designating them as essential businesses.

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