Tlaib Urges Voters Away from Biden in Michigan Primary

( – In a video posted on social media, “Squad” member and Democrat Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib urges Michigan voters to cast their vote against President Joe Biden in the state’s February 27th presidential primary because he supports Israel.

Tlaib, seen in the video standing outside the Ford Civic Center in Dearborn, Michigan, reminds voters that early voting is set to begin in Michigan in the video posted by the progressive group Listen to Michigan. She then tells voters to “vote uncommitted” because it is a way to raise their voices as they feel “neglected and just unseen” by the government. She said they want to “support life” and not “wars and bombs,” adding they are supporting “every single life killed in Gaza.”

This is not the first time Tlaib, a Palestinian-American, and Listen to Michigan, championed by Tlaib’s younger sister Layla Elabed, have criticized Biden and his support for Israel since the October 7th attack by Hamas. Tlaib previously stated that Biden “wants us just to die” during an October 18th rally supporting Palestine in October. In November, the House censured Tlaib for her participation in the protest and her chanting the antisemitic slogan calling for the erasure of Israel, “from the river to the sea.”

After the protest, Tlaib reportedly met with Biden’s campaign manager, Julie Chavez Rodriguez.  Biden has also tried to balance his support for Israel and the concerns of progressive Democrats about the treatment of Palestinian civilians. Top Biden administration officials also met with Muslim and Arab American leaders in Michigan, which has the largest Arab population of any state in the country, earlier in February. However, Tlaib has remained outspoken in her criticism of Biden and his continued support of Israel.

While Tlaib remains critical, fellow progressive Democrats, such as fellow “Squad” member and New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, have both stated they still support Biden.

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