Ted Cruz Alleges Political Manipulation by Federal Authorities

Ted Cruz

Ted Cruz has accused the Biden-Harris administration of using federal agencies as political tools against its opponents.

At a Glance

  • Cruz alleges the misuse of the Department of Justice against pro-lifers.
  • Instances of prosecutorial overreach under the FACE Act are highlighted.
  • Calls for the repeal of the FACE Act and defunding biased Justice Department actions.
  • Trump claims his indictments are politically motivated by Biden’s administration.

Ted Cruz’s Accusations

Senator Ted Cruz voiced his concerns in a recent Newsmax interview, accusing the Biden-Harris administration of weaponizing federal agencies to push a partisan agenda and target political opponents. Specifically, Cruz highlighted the alleged misuse of the Department of Justice (DOJ) against pro-life advocates.

According to Cruz, President Joe Biden and Attorney General Merrick Garland have directed the DOJ to enforce the FACE Act disproportionately against pro-lifers. He pointed to cases such as Paul Vaughn facing an 11-year sentence for singing hymns outside an abortion clinic and the aggressive FBI arrest of Mark Houck, another pro-lifer. These incidents underscore concerns of government overreach and civil liberties violations.


Misuse of the FACE Act

The FACE Act, originally intended to protect various facilities from violent attacks, has seen controversial applications under the current administration. Statistics reveal the act has been used against pro-lifers 130 times but only five times in defense of churches and pregnancy centers, despite 436 incidents of hostility against such institutions last year.

Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke has repeatedly withheld prosecution numbers related to the FACE Act, raising further transparency concerns. Critics argue for the repeal of the FACE Act, labeling it redundant and a violation of the 10th Amendment. Legislation to repeal it has been introduced in both the House and Senate (H.R.5577 and S.3017).

Charges Against Trump and Political Backdrop

Former President Donald Trump has echoed similar accusations, claiming the DOJ has been politicized by the Biden administration. Trump described recent federal charges against him as a “great badge of courage” and accused Biden of weaponizing law enforcement to interfere in elections. Despite the numerous legal challenges, Trump leads in Republican primary polls, reflecting significant support among conservatives.

“They lie, they cheat and they steal,” Trump said of Democrats. “This is how low they’ve fallen in an attempt to win the 2024 election, and we’re not going to let that happen.”

Beyond Trump, the Justice Department under Biden has been investigating and charging figures across the political spectrum, including Democrats like Representative Cori Bush and Senator Bob Menendez. These actions challenge the narrative that the Biden DOJ exclusively targets Republican adversaries. However, critics highlight that pursuing bipartisan investigations does not absolve the department from accusations of partisanship and misuse.

Calls to Action

Senator Bill Cassidy’s recent report further emphasizes claims about the administration’s detrimental policies. Cassidy asserts that Biden’s labor and employment strategies undermine workers’ opportunities, flexibility, pay, and protections. This aligns with broader complaints about government overreach and bias within federal agencies.

“Biden Justice Department officials and Democratic prosecutors are currently trying to put the other side’s leading contender for the White House in jail,” wrote National Review editor-in-chief Rich Lowry.

As these allegations unfold, the discourse surrounding the weaponization of federal agencies remains a contentious issue, resonating deeply with American voters concerned about fairness, freedom, and the integrity of democratic institutions. The debate is far from over, and subsequent actions by lawmakers and public opinion will shape its trajectory.