State Supreme Court Rejects Attempt To Remove Trump From 2024 Primary Ballot

( – After former President Donald Trump was removed from Colorado’s Republican primary ballot for the 2024 presidential election, other states have been attempting to follow suit. The latest attempt came from Michigan, and their Supreme Court just struck down the proposal.

The Supreme Court of Michigan rejected a proposal to remove Trump from the state’s primary ballot on Wednesday, Dec. 27. In a statement explaining the ruling, Justice Elizabeth Welch said that election laws in Colorado are different “from Michigan’s laws in a material way… directly relevant” to the reason the case’s appellants “are not entitled” to the requested relief “concerning the presidential primary election” in their state.

Trump responded to the ruling on his social media platform Truth Social. He said the court “strongly and rightfully denied” an attempt by “desperate” Democrats to take him “off the ballot” in Michigan, noting that he’s “the leading candidate.”

Trump called the attempt a “pathetic gambit to rig the election,” which he said is failing “all across the country,” even in states that tend to lean “heavily toward the Democrats.” He added that only Colorado fell “prey to the scheme” and that they’re being “mocked all over the world” as a result. Trump told his audience that Americans must stop the 2024 election “from being rigged and stolen” like the 2020 election, a claim that has gotten the former president into a lot of trouble. He concluded his statement by slamming President Joe Biden’s job in office.

In her statement, Welch explained the nuances of the Colorado decision, which she said “was preceded by a lengthy evidentiary proceeding” and was based on a specific insurrection clause in the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution and the Colorado Election Code. She said Colorado’s decision checks out but that “no analogous provision” was identified in Michigan Election Law. Welch also noted that Trump “indicated his intent” to appeal the decision in the US Supreme Court.

Trump, who also faces multiple criminal indictments and a civil suit in New York, remains the frontrunner for the Republican nomination and is leagues ahead of all of his competitors.

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