Senator Cotton Endorses Trump

( – Despite multiple indictments last year and attempts to ban him from state ballots, the endorsements for former President Donald Trump keep rolling in. The latest to board the Trump train is GOP Sen. Tom Cotton, who says he’s looking forward to “working with” the former president to get America “back on track.”

The Arkansas senator told Fox News Digital that when Trump was in the White House, the country “was safe, strong, and prosperous,” but with President Joe Biden in office, “everything has gone to hell.” According to Cotton, American families now struggle to afford groceries while the “border is wide open to a full-blown invasion” and enemies of the US “are starting wars everywhere.”

Cotton concluded his statement by endorsing Trump, whom he looks forward “to working with” to “win back the White House and the Senate” and to help hardworking citizens in Arkansas who are “suffering” from the “disastrous policies” of Biden.

Cotton believes it’s time to get the US “back on track” and that Trump is the guy for the job. He and Trump have worked with one another in the past, collaborating on immigration policy reform and securing the southern border during the former president’s administration.

Trump championed legislation Cotton introduced in 2017 calling for a merit-based admittance system for immigrants to reduce the number of green cards issued. The bill didn’t pass, but Cotton says he’s hoping to revive the effort if Trump returns to the White House for a second term, as well as efforts to protect job access for American workers.

Cotton joined the ranks of almost two dozen Republican senators currently backing Trump, including Ohio Sen. JD Vance, Florida Sen. Rick Scott, and Ohio Sen. Marsha Blackburn.

House Majority Leader Steve Scalise of Louisiana recently threw his lot in with the former president, even though Trump criticized the congressman’s health during his failed run for Speaker of the House. The speaker position went to Mike Johnson, who also endorsed Trump.

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