Mayor Says State Is At ‘Breaking Point’ From Migrant Crisis

( – The Mayor of New York City has another dire warning for the country regarding the ongoing immigration crisis at the southern border: the Big Apple is reaching a “breaking point.”

As the city rang in the New Year, it also received 14 more busloads of new arrivals in just one day. The buses came from Texas and are part of Gov. Greg Abbott’s initiative to secure his own state’s border, taking some of the pressure off of the Lone Star State and distributing it to areas of the country that initially announced themselves as “sanctuary cities.”

Since spring 2022, at least 160,000 immigrants have entered NYC, and that’s only counting those who arrived independently, according to a report from The Wall Street Journal.

During a press conference on Friday, Dec. 29, Adams told “CNN This Morning” that the city was “able to keep the visualization” of the migrant crisis “from hitting [the] streets” for several months. Now, he says New York has “reached a breaking point” where that is no longer possible. Adams said “another surge” of new arrivals is underway, and that the city expects it “to intensify over the coming days” due to Abbott’s “politics,” which he described as “cruel and inhumane.”

Abbott has been bussing immigrants out of the Lone Star State heavily over the last year, leading mayors in other Democrat-run cities, such as Chicago, to impose new regulations on bus arrivals to control the time and place where migrants can be dropped off. The Texas governor found a way around those regulations by resorting to flying them out instead.

Abbott’s spokeswoman said that “Democrat mayors should call on” the president (as their “party leader”) to “do his job and secure the border” instead of attacking the Lone Star State’s “efforts to provide relief” for its border communities overwhelmed by the crisis. The Texas governor’s efforts have been successful at forcing a divide between Democratic leaders in D.C. and the most influential Democratic mayors. Adams has criticized the White House numerous times for failing to send enough aid to assist with the crisis, which is putting a strain on the Big Apple’s resources, resulting in massive budget cuts to policing, sanitation, and education.

Last September, Adams issued a similar warning, claiming the crisis will “destroy” the city if the federal government doesn’t step in and do more to mitigate the impact.

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