Kamala Harris Uses Profanity to Appeal to Asian Voters

(USNewsMag.com) – On May 13th, Vice President Kamala Harris, 59, used profanity while giving advice to members of the audience at the annual Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies Legislative Leadership Summit.

Harris was discussing her experience as the first female, black American, and South Asian American to be elected vice president of the United States.

She told the young audience members that sometimes a door will open for you and remain open, adding that when the door does not open, “then you need to kick that f‑‑‑ing door down.”

Harris then stated, “Excuse my language,” as audience members applauded.

Harris continued talking, stating that in breaking down barriers, “There’s breaking involved,” meaning “you get cut. And you may bleed.” However, Harris added that “it is worth it every time.”

After Harris’ comment, the moderator of the discussion, comedian and actor Jimmy O. Yang, said that T-shirts should be made that feature “that saying.”

The discussion was live-streamed on the White House website.

Harris appeared at the summit as part of the Biden administration’s celebration of Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. On May 13th, Harris and actress Lucy Liu attended a White House Rose Garden celebrating the month. Harris’ appearances came as the Biden-Harris reelection campaign announced it had launched a $14 million ad campaign to run during May, targeting Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander voters.

Some people took to social media to criticize the vice president’s use of profanity, calling it an attempt to appear “hip.”

On Twitter, Rebeccah Heinrichs from the conservative think tank Hudson Institute wrote, “Demand more from elected officials.”

Conservative podcast host Joey Mannarino stated that Harris’ use of profanity shows that “they’re struggling with the youth vote.”

The Twitter account @CryptidPolitics called it “incredibly uncouth” for the vice president to use profanity while speaking in public, adding that “her ability to craft a superb word salad” would make her a great chef.

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