Heavily-Armed Suspected Terrorist Grins as He’s Led Away in Cuffs

(USNewsMag.com) – Heavily-armed suspected terrorist Judd Sanson, 27, smiled as he was escorted from the 110th Precinct in Corona, New York, by police on June 13.

On June 12, New York City police officers found a cache of weapons inside Sanson’s black Ford Explorer after officers stopped him near LaGuardia International Airport because the vehicle’s license plates were obscured. It appeared as though Sanson, suspected of having jihadist ties, was living in his Explorer.

According to NYPC Chief Jeffrey Maddrey, inside the vehicle, police located an expandable baton with disturbing messages etched on it, handcuffs, a Guy Fawkes “V for Vendetta” mask, an NYPD vest, an orange MTA vest, multiple knives, two axes, a weighted whip, a stun gun, 179 rounds of ammunition, a loaded 9mm gun, and nine loaded magazines. Sanson grinned when reporters asked him if he had purchased the arsenal on Amazon as he left the 110th Precinct.

Police also found a Glock lockbox that did not match the gun found in Sanson’s vehicle when executing a search warrant at his father’s apartment on June 13.

Sanson was arraigned on June 13 on charges of the unlawful use of a police uniform or emblem, 10 counts of criminal possession of weapons in the fourth degree, and possession of a firearm.

Sanson’s attorney, Thomas Montella, argued this was “at the end of the day, a gun case” and requested his client, who he described as a self-employed mechanic with visitation rights to his 1-year-old daughter, be released on bail.

However, District Attorney Dylan Nesturrick argued that “what could have been a disaster” was avoided by police pulling Sanson over and locating the weapons, noting that investigators had found a “disturbing photo” posted on Sanson’s Facebook page.

Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz noted that investigators would be looking into his intent, stating that many of the weapons were homemade. Katz added that the baton allegedly had disturbing words, including, “You left me no choice.”

Judge Julieta V. Lozano ordered Sanson held without bail.

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