Fox Takes Down Hunter Biden ‘Mock Trial’ Series After Litigation Threats

( – Fox News made the decision to pull a six-part series about a hypothetical trial of Hunter Biden, a sign that the media company is receiving earnest threats of litigation from the president’s son.

On Tuesday, April 30th, Fox quietly removed “The Trial of Hunter Biden” from the media company’s streaming service. The removal came the day after Hunter Biden’s attorneys published a public letter warning Fox News of an oncoming lawsuit against the conservative media outlet for continued, “relentless” attacks on the president’s son. The lawyers claim that the media company participated in a “conspiracy” against their client to “defame” him and “paint him in a false light.”

One of the accusations against the network has to do with real nude images of Hunter Biden that circulated after the laptop leak, which the attorneys note are digital material considered “hacked, stolen, and/or manipulated.” They accuse Fox News of knowing this fact but continuing to publish the material anyway, which is illegal in some states under laws against so-called “revenge p*rn.”

Fox responded to the news of the removal by claiming they took down the series as an act of “caution” while reviewing the threats of litigation against them. Despite the claim, the company seems to be handing the president’s son and his legal team exactly what they hoped to achieve after claiming a few hours earlier that their coverage of Hunter Biden and the investigations surrounding him have been covered accurately.

A network spokesperson said that their coverage of Hunter Biden is “constitutionally protected.” Fox News maintains that as a public figure who is the subject of ongoing investigations by Congress, the Justice Department, and two U.S. Attorneys, and who has already “admitted to multiple incidents of wrongdoing,” Hunter Biden is subject to media scrutiny and their reporting on matters surrounding him has been “consistent with the First Amendment.”

The story of Hunter Biden’s notorious laptop, which is one of the subjects covered by the “mock trial” series, broke in 2020 during the presidential debates but was buried in mainstream media outlets and social media platforms. Critics of President Joe Biden argue that the killing of that story played a major hand in his 2020 election victory.

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