State AG Begs Kamala to Dethrone Biden with 25th Amendment

( – Amid growing concerns over President Joe Biden’s physical health and mental proficiency, Republican Attorney General of West Virginia Patrick Morrisey is boldly calling on Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris to usher President Joe Biden out of the White House by invoking the 25th Amendment.

On Tuesday, February 13th, in a letter by Morrisey to Harris, he wrote that the drastic action would be necessary and cited the February 8th report from Special Counsel Robert Hur and Hur’s assessment of Biden’s cognitive abilities as one of the reasons.

The report not only excused the president from criminal charges over his mishandling of classified government material after leaving office as vice president under the Obama administration, it also cited Biden’s memory issues as one of the reasons he couldn’t stand trial. According to the report, the president would present himself to the jury the same way they claim he came off to their investigation: as a “sympathetic, well-meaning elderly man with poor memory.”

Biden blasted Hur’s portrayal and said that although he was, indeed, “well-meaning” and “elderly,” he also knows “what the hell [he’s] doing.”

Morrisey wrote to Harris that Americans have been watching the “profound cognitive decline” of their president “for too long.” He noted some of Biden’s most recent signs of mental decline, such as mixing up political figures and world leaders and wandering disoriented while on camera.

Morrisey described these incidents as “mental missteps” which could “have equally serious consequences.” He then cited more examples from the past, such as Biden falling asleep at a climate change conference during his first year in office.

The West Virginia Attorney General made the case to the vice president that she should declare Biden unfit to remain in office by invoking Section 4 of the 25th Amendment. Morrisey joins a host of other Republican lawmakers also calling for the invocation of the amendment, including Reps. Guy Reschenthaler of Pennsylvania and Claudia Tenney of New York, as well as Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri.

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