Watchdog Group Launches Campaign To Expose Student Antisemitism

( – On Jan. 30, the government and media watchdog group Accuracy in Media announced a campaign where people can report antisemitic behaviors of faculty and students on college campuses.

The campaign focuses on the campuses of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Harvard University, the University of California at Berkeley, Columbia University, the University of Colorado at Boulder, and the University of Southern California.

Mobile billboards will be deployed by the group to each of the campuses as part of the days of activism, scheduled for Jan. 30-31. The billboards will feature the group’s new website,, which includes a petition urging employers to “blacklist” applicants who are allegedly involved with antisemitic activities on the campuses.

A new database used to document students, professionals, and organizations “that have espoused hateful, antisemitic beliefs” will track the applicants. Another watchdog group known as the Canary Mission launched the database.

In a statement, Accuracy in Media President Adam Guillette called the rise in antisemitism on college campuses following the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas in Israel “disgusting and concerning.” He said the behavior is “unacceptable,” adding that students and faculty need to understand the message, “their hate has no place here.” He continued, calling on employers to “examine their hiring practices” to ensure they are not hiring antisemites.

Since the Oct. 7 attack, Accuracy in Media has focused on raising awareness about the rise in antisemitism on college campuses across the country. In October, the group had a so-called “doxxing truck” on the campus of Harvard University that displayed the names and photos of students who allegedly signed a letter that blamed Israelis for Hamas’ attack. Following the December congressional testimony by then-Harvard University President Claudine Gay about antisemitism on college campuses, the group was one of many who called for her resignation. Gay resigned on Jan. 2. One day after her resignation, Accuracy in Media displayed a digital mobile billboard featuring the words “It’s moving day Claudine Gay!”

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