Congress Unites Over Mysterious COCOA Act for Election Integrity


Congress has passed the COCOA Act to ensure transparency in federal elections, but what happens next?

At a Glance

  • The COCOA Act was passed with overwhelming bipartisan support.
  • The act requires states to allow congressional observers in federal elections.
  • Observers are prohibited from interfering with ballots or equipment.
  • The bill is now awaiting President Joe Biden’s signature.

Bipartisan Passage of the COCOA Act

On September 24, 2024, Congress achieved a significant legislative milestone by passing the Confirmation Of Congressional Observer Access Act of 2024, or COCOA Act. The bill received overwhelming bipartisan support, passing the U.S. House of Representatives with a 413–1 vote. The Senate followed with unanimous consent, reflecting broad agreement across party lines on the importance of election transparency.

The COCOA Act, formally known as US HR6513, was introduced during the 118th Congress on November 30, 2023. The bill aims to ensure that congressional observers monitor all stages of federal elections, from polling stations to the certification of results. This act amends the Help America Vote Act of 2002, affirming Congress’s constitutional authority to oversee the election process.

Requirements and Regulations for Observers

Under the COCOA Act, states are mandated to permit designated congressional observers to be present during federal elections. These observers, appointed by administrative committees from both the House and Senate, must comply with strict regulations prohibiting any form of interference with ballots or election equipment. The protocols in place ensure that observers can be removed if they engage in disruptive behaviors or any fraudulent activities.

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has analyzed the financial implications of the COCOA Act. Their findings indicate that the bill would not result in any federal costs or significant increases in the number of observers. States are already accommodating election observers, making any additional financial burden minimal and well below the threshold set by the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (UMRA).

Awaiting Presidential Approval

The last legislative action occurred on September 24, 2024, when the Senate passed the bill with an amendment, sending it back to the House for approval of the changes. The bill is now waiting for the final step: the signature of President Joe Biden. Once signed, the COCOA Act will be enacted, reinforcing election integrity and transparency through the presence of congressional observers at federal elections.

The bipartisan support for the COCOA Act signifies a collective commitment to ensuring that federal elections are conducted transparently and with accountability. As the country awaits the President’s signature, the passage of this act stands as a testament to the progress that can be made when both parties come together for the common good.